Purchase with purpose
Selected works are featured here and available for purchase. A portion of the proceeds from each purchased piece will be donated to corresponding nonprofits engaged with these causes. If you see a painting in the gallery that you are interested in, please use the contact form to make an inquiry.
The Art of Paula Rosenblum Derrington
Purchase with Purpose: Paintings for Sale by Artist, former student of Jacob Lawrence and Chuah Thean Teng
My Stealthy Freedom - Oil Paintings, Collection 1
$220.00 - $300.00
$220.00 - $300.00
My Stealthy Freedom - Oil Paintings, Collection 2
$220.00 - $300.00
$220.00 - $300.00
Water Colors - Dancers
$220.00 - $300.00
$220.00 - $300.00
Water Colors - Abstract